Summer Farm Dividend

Terms & Conditions

We’re thrilled to offer the Walden Mutual Summer Farm Dividend for the summer of 2025. We hope many of you will take advantage of this promotion to enjoy locally farmed food and reinvest in your local business ecosystem. The promotion starts on June 21, 2025, so please take a moment to read the eligibility requirements below: 

What is the Summer Farm Dividend?

The Summer Farm Dividend is a Grow Local account credit ofup to $100 for you to use at local farms, farmers’ markets, or related businesses across the northeast and beyond. It’s a time-bound promotion (which we may – at our discretion – renew annually).

We’re using the term “dividend” in this context because it ties back to our roots as a mutual (where a portion of profits are paid back to the community of owners), but be aware that, technically speaking, this is not a dividend; instead, it’s a time-bound promotion subject to renewal by the bank at its discretion.


Anyone with a Grow Local account in good standing with us is welcome to use the Summer Farm Dividend as long as:

Each qualified partner (as identified by Social Security Number or Tax ID Number) is eligible for a single Summer Farm Dividend regardless of the number of accounts they may have open. Jointly-held accounts owned by two separate partners are eligible for a single Summer Farm Dividend, to be used jointly by the account holders. Personal accounts (i.e. Grow Local accounts and Local Impact CDs) are the only eligible account type (i.e. Grow Local Business accounts and loans are ineligible).

Key Dates:

On June 21, 2025, we will review all of our active personal accounts to determine eligibility. If you qualify (based on the criteria laid out above), we’ll send a notification to the email on your account within the following week. Starting from June 21, 2025, you will have until September 21, 2025 to participate.


There are three steps:

Have a question not answered above? Send us a note! We’re happy to help.  

Other Legal Notes

Failure by any eligible participant to satisfy any of the requirements laid out above within the promotion terms will result in ineligibility.

We also reserve the right to exclude any participant from the promotion for any reason, including suspected fraud, misuse, or if suspicious activities are observed. The bank also reserves the right to stop or make changes to the promotion at any time.