Summer Farm Dividend
$100 to Spend on Local Food
The Summer Farm Dividend is a Grow Local account credit of up to $100 for you to use at local farms, farmers’ markets, or related businesses across the northeast and beyond. Anyone with a Grow Local account in good standing with us is eligible, as long as by June 21st of each year, 1) their account is open, and 2) their aggregate balance across all personal Grow Local accounts and Local Impact CDs is at least $5,000.
Redemption is easy:
- Select an eligible farm, farmers' market, or related local business to support with your Dividend.
- Make your purchase with your Walden debit card.
- Fill out the redemption survey (delivered by email and within online banking at the start of the summer) to tell us what you bought, where, and why.
That's it! We issue account credits on a rolling basis all summer.
Questions about what businesses are eligible? If you can answer "yes" to the following questions, it's covered:
- Are you buying food or beverages from a farm, farmers' market, co-op, or independently owned business?
- Is the merchant you're shopping at local to the northeast or located within an hour of wherever you live?
Check out the terms & conditions for full details.
Endorsed By:

Joe York
SVP - Partners & Impact
"In the early days of getting the bank ready for launch, we talked a lot about the design of our hero benefit. We settled on the Summer Farm Dividend because it cuts to the core of our mission - enabling our partners to directly support the businesses that are a part of our local food ecosystem."
Check out the terms & conditions here.